How Much Is a New Garage Door?

Think your garage door is looking a little tired and worn out? Want to make your home more secure? Then a new garage door is the answer. The thing is, you’re probably wondering, ‘how much is a new garage door?’ Keep reading and the GaraDry team will provide you with the answer…


  • In many cases, it will be cheaper to repair an existing garage ($30 - $300). However, sometimes, damage or wear can be so extensive that a full replacement works out to be cheaper.

  • You should prepare to pay anything from $400 to $4,000+ for a new garage door, depending on things like size, material, specification, and features.

  • New garage door installation fees typically range from around $150 to $500+.

  • High-quality products, being realistic about what you need, good garage door maintenance, and products with warranties are some of the best ways to keep costs down.

Note - the figures we’re sharing here are simply to provide you with a rough idea of what you might expect to spend.

The cost of a new garage door

Is it cheaper to replace or repair a garage door?

Generally, it’s going to be much cheaper to repair an existing garage door than it is to buy and install a whole new one. A garage door replacement can cost anything from hundreds to thousands of dollars, while repairs can be so minor that you’d get change out of a fifty-dollar bill.

However, when it comes to choosing between repair or a full replacement, it’s more important to consider the state, safety, and function of your garage door, not just the cost implications. 

If your garage is damaged enough to be beyond repair, for instance, it’s essential to replace it as soon as possible to secure your garage and its contents. Plus, in instances like this, repairs could even end up costing more than a complete replacement. 

Things that most likely call for some simple repairs include:

  • Replacing or installing a garage door bottom weather seal.
  • Replacing or installing insulation.
  • Fixing broken tracks or damaged cables.
  • Repairing small cracks, dents, gaps, etc.
  • Aesthetic refreshes, such as peeling paint.

Things that probably warrant a complete replacement (new garage door) include:

  • Extensive damage which means the door cannot be repaired.
  • A whole new aesthetic style.
  • Updated functionality (e.g. moving from manual to automatic).
  • Replacing an old garage door that has been compromised by wear and tear over time.

How much does a new garage door cost?

If you’re looking to replace your garage door with a brand-new one, you can expect to have to budget anything from $400 to $4,000+. It really all depends on what kind of garage door you’re looking for and what you need from it in terms of performance. 

This is determined by things like:

  • The style of your home.
  • The climate you live in.
  • What you store in your garage.
  • Your budget boundaries.
Buying a new garage door

Factors that will influence how much a new garage door costs

Below are a number of different elements that will likely impact how much you need to budget for a new garage door.


Garages come in three general sizes: one-car (single), two-car (double), or three-car (triple). Even if you don’t plan to store any cars in your garage, it’s still useful to use these size guides to get a rough idea of costs. 

Some average ballpark costs, broken down by size are:

  • Single garage: $400 - $2,500.
  • Double garage: $650 - $5,000.
  • Triple garage: $1,500 - $7,000+.

Costs will also vary (probably increase) if you require bespoke dimensions. Whatever size your garage is, the cost of a new door will also be affected by all the following factors…

Style and design

The style or design of the garage door you choose will significantly influence how much it’s going to cost. From ultra-modern sectional rollers to traditional carriage doors, the look and feel of the garage door you choose will dictate how much you’ll need to spend to achieve what you want.

Here are some of the most popular types of garage doors and a general idea of how much each could set you back:

  • Panel: $400+.
  • Tilt: $450+.
  • Sectional: $800+.
  • Roll up: $850+.
  • Carriage: $1,200+.
  • French: $1,600+.


The material a garage door is made from has a huge impact on how much it costs. Features and customizations will have a significant effect too but below are some general ballpark costs relating to popular garage door materials.

  • Steel: $400 - $1,900.
  • Aluminum: $600 - $2,000.
  • Faux wood: $500 - $1,900.
  • Fiberglass: $900 - $2,500.
  • Vinyl: $700 - $1,800.
  • Composite: $750 - $1,600.
  • Wood: $1,200 - $4,000+.

It’s worth noting here that garage doors often come in single, double, and triple layers. Double and triple-layer garage doors include integrated insulation, which will also hike up the cost (but also better maintain the temperature in your garage).

Features and functions

Garage door functionality ranges from standard to sophisticated, which means costs can vary dramatically too. The more bells and whistles you upgrade your garage door with, the higher you should expect the overall price tag to be.

If you want an automatic garage door, for example, with the associated electrics, you can expect to pay a further $400 to $800, approximately. A manual garage door will be notably cheaper because it doesn’t require additional parts or specialist installation.


As with most things, quality is a huge factor to consider when it comes to cost. Durability comes hand-in-hand with quality and material; if you stay on the cheap end of the spectrum, quality is typically lower and performance and finish are often far less desirable as a result.

The higher the quality of materials, construction, and installation you choose, the more expensive the project will be. However, we’d always recommend investing in the highest quality you can afford to mitigate the risk of malfunction or damage as much as possible.


You might wish to add personal touches to your garage door in order to make it suit the style of your home or to elevate the standard design in some way. This could include things like:

  • Frosted glass.
  • Specific light fixtures.
  • Paneling.
  • Bespoke material color.
  • Decorative hardware.
  • Custom handles. 
  • Insulation.
  • Security locks.

Personalization is a great way to put your own stamp on your new garage door but remember, it will come with a cost. It’s vital to do your research, so you can factor these finishing touches into your budget accurately.

How much should you pay for a garage door?

How much does garage door installation cost?

As a top-level guideline, new garage door installation fees typically range from around $150 to $500 or above. This is generally within the region of what you should expect to pay if you hire contractors to carry out the installation for you.

However, there are also various different things that can influence installation costs, so it’s important to keep these in mind when budgeting for the project.

Factors that will impact how much the installation of your new garage door will cost, include:

  • Whether or not you choose to DIY or hire a professional—this includes the door installation itself, but also things like added insulation and a weather seal.

  • If you do hire professionals (garage door installers, electricians, window fitters, etc.), how much their labor costs are—these can vary significantly from contractor to contractor.

  • General factors that can impact an estimation quote include (but aren’t exclusive to) things like:

    • Whether or not the existing door needs to be removed.
    • If the new door needs assembling.
    • If the garage door gap needs repairing or preparing in any way.
  • How big the task is—this will be influenced by things like how big the garage door is, how complex the installation is due to the door’s features, how many people need to be hired, etc.

  • Sometimes your location sways how much garage door installation costs too. If it’s something that is in demand in your area, it might cost a premium price in comparison to areas where it’s less called for.

Tip - to find a contractor that can install your new garage door, consider searching the Better Business Bureau’s database.

Our top five money-saving tips

Now you’ve got a better idea of how much your new garage door is going to cost, take a look at our top money-saving tips to help you save some extra money.

1. Only invest in high-quality products 

It might be tempting to choose the cheapest options in order to keep the cost of the project down. However, this also means you’ll be compromising on the quality of the materials and manufacturing of the product(s), which almost always results in more money being spent on repairs or replacements much sooner.

2. Purchase products with warranties wherever you can

Choosing products with warranties means two great things: you can rest assured they’re of a high standard; and you will be able to save money on any future repairs or replacements within the warranty period. 

All of our garage door weather seals, for example, come with a 5-year warranty, so you can be sure they are built to last.

3. Be realistic about what you really need from a garage door

Modern technology means there are all kinds of weird and wonderful features you can find in garage doors these days—most of which are innovative and awesome. That said, if you’re working with a specific budget, it’s important to be realistic about what you truly require. 

Do you really need integrated smart tech, a touchpad, glazed windows, and the most premium finish? If so, go for it. If not, perhaps stick to what you know will be worth your money.

4. Install things like weather seals and insulation yourself

GaraDry garage door bottom weather seal

Shop Now - GaraDry Garage Door Threshold Seal Kits

When installing things like insulation and a garage door seal, consider if it could be a DIY project before splashing out on hiring a professional. For instance, our garage door weather seal kits all come with detailed fitting instructions that are super easy to follow.

5. Keep up with regular maintenance

Looking after your garage door, and anything you install on it (insulation, door seal, etc.), means you can keep repair costs to a minimum. The sooner you notice things like cracks, dents, and any other kind of damage, you can address them before they become a much bigger problem.

Upgrade your garage with GaraDry

Looking to boost your garage with a high-quality weather seal for your garage door? Look no further. Here at GaraDry, we make it easy to find the perfect products to weatherproof your garage and preserve your garage door for as long as possible.

All of our seals are designed to be used with up-and-over, sectional, roller shutter, and side-hinged doors, so there’s something to suit every garage. Our garage door seal kits all come complete with adhesive, side blocks, and a handy instruction manual to make installation simple and stress-free. 

Unsure which type of garage door you have, or what seal you need? Reach out, and we’ll be more than happy to help.

Shop high-quality garage door weather seals at GaraDry today!

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