Why are my Garage Walls Wet?

There are many potential causes for wet garage walls, and as the water can travel quite a distance from its origin, identifying the cause can be sometimes more difficult that resolving the issue itself. Below we will list some of the main causes of wet garage walls and the best solutions for them.

Should I Waterproof My Brickwork?

Many people falsely believe that due to modern building methods, including the use of impermeable materials and cavity walls, that they do not need to protect the external brickwork and masonry, but this assumption can prove costly in the long run and penetrating water can cause damp, mold, timber damage and a loss of structural integrity. This blog post will explain why waterproofing brickwork is important, what you should use to achieve this, and how you should apply it.


We normally only consider the danger posed by mold in our homes, but with 55% of Americans spending 1-2 hours each week in their garage doing hobbies and other activities, it is time we seriously considered the danger posed by mold and damp in the garage. 

How To Prevent Snow Melt In Your Garage

You may have just spent the last few months having to squeegee out your garage due to snow melt. Snow melt in a garage can damage possessions, cause damp and moisture that can result in mold, and creates a safety risk as people may slip. Make this the last winter that you must deal with this problem by following our suggestions below:


Mold is the common term for over 300,000 different fungi. The spores of this microorganism are invisible and travel through the air until they land on a moist surface. They can reproduce and multiply so rapidly that mold-growth can quickly become out of control. These mold grows come in a range of colors, can have an unpleasant odor, and can in some cases be dangerous to health. Below we will detail how this mold is caused and how to prevent it. 

How To Prevent Mold In Your Garage

The garage is an ideal location for mold growth. Mold requires excess moisture and organic material. Flooding, standing water, rain, leaks in roofs, and damaged pipes all contribute to the garage having excess moisture. Wood, paper, cardboard, ceiling tiles and fabrics in the garage provide the organic material mold needs to thrive on. If you follow the recommendations outlined below, mold in our garage will become a thing of the past.

Garage Leaking Water at Floor Level

Identifying the source of a water leak inside your garage can be a challenge as there are several problems that could be the cause. It is important to inspect carefully for leaks and follow them back to their source as they may originate in an entirely different part of the garage.

How To Prevent Your Garage From Flooding

Your garage may be one of the most vulnerable buildings on your property. Because it is designed to accommodate your vehicles, its entryway is at ground level and very wide. These conditions make it susceptible to flooding, which can have serious consequences. Not only can your belongings sustain water damage but flooding also can weaken the structure of your garage and lead to the growth of mold and mildew. No property owner wants to deal with any of these issues, which is why you need to know how to prevent your garage from flooding. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to stop garage flooding from becoming an issue at your home or business. Here are some of the most effective.

How a Reinforced and Bottom-Sealed Garage Door Provides Hurricane Protection

Most homeowners who live in areas prone to hurricanes understand what they must do to protect their houses from these devastating storms. They know to take precautions such as protecting windows, using tarps and securing loose items. However, not as many people think about their garage doors. They assume that because they are large and heavy, they already offer adequate protection against the elements — but this isn’t necessarily the case. To provide the most defense against gale-force winds and punishing rain, reinforcement and proper weather sealing are required.

Protecting Your Garage From Pacific Northwest Rain

If there’s one thing Washington, Oregon and other Pacific Northwest states are known for, it’s rain. The wet climate of the region results in some of the greenest forests anywhere in the world, but it also can result in severe damage to your garage. Even though your garage is technically considered “indoors,” that doesn’t mean it’s as dry as sitting in your living room.