Below Grade Waterproofing

Due to a range of environmental factors, protecting basements and other underground spaces is a complex challenge. The structure and the items stored within can be easily degraded and damaged if precautionary measures are not followed, as it is essential that water (standing water and driving rain especially) and moisture are kept out. Below we have written a brief introduction of the main methods of below grade waterproofing. If you have a below ground basement or garage, you should consider in investing in these methods.

How To Prevent Your Garage From Flooding

Your garage may be one of the most vulnerable buildings on your property. Because it is designed to accommodate your vehicles, its entryway is at ground level and very wide. These conditions make it susceptible to flooding, which can have serious consequences. Not only can your belongings sustain water damage but flooding also can weaken the structure of your garage and lead to the growth of mold and mildew. No property owner wants to deal with any of these issues, which is why you need to know how to prevent your garage from flooding. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to stop garage flooding from becoming an issue at your home or business. Here are some of the most effective.

How a Reinforced and Bottom-Sealed Garage Door Provides Hurricane Protection

Most homeowners who live in areas prone to hurricanes understand what they must do to protect their houses from these devastating storms. They know to take precautions such as protecting windows, using tarps and securing loose items. However, not as many people think about their garage doors. They assume that because they are large and heavy, they already offer adequate protection against the elements — but this isn’t necessarily the case. To provide the most defense against gale-force winds and punishing rain, reinforcement and proper weather sealing are required.

Protecting Your Garage From Pacific Northwest Rain

If there’s one thing Washington, Oregon and other Pacific Northwest states are known for, it’s rain. The wet climate of the region results in some of the greenest forests anywhere in the world, but it also can result in severe damage to your garage. Even though your garage is technically considered “indoors,” that doesn’t mean it’s as dry as sitting in your living room.