Different uses for Garadry Threshold Seals Part 2
We previously covered a range of alternative uses for our GaraDry® threshold seals, including protecting power cords of tools and lighting, as well as using them for water containment and deflection (for further details please see our previous blog). We also ended the blog on a challenge – “get inspired to come up with your own unique applications” – and I am pleased to announce that you didn’t disappoint. Below are just some of the excellent alternative uses our customers have shared with us. Perhaps these solutions can be used to resolve problems in your home or business?
A commercial car wash used 4 of our 1 ½” High Garage Door Threshold Seal kits to create an enclosed space for washing cars. This prevented the water from spilling out, and ensured it was contained and directed towards the drainage system.
This mess is no longer a problem for one customer.
An enterprising customer saved himself a lot of money on contractor bills by using our ½” High Garage Door Threshold Seal Kit to help create a wet room in his home. With the product being made of vinyl, it does not degrade, crack or wear away as rubber would, making especially useful for a wet room installation. The unique design of GaraDry’s Threshold Seals also meant the customer was able to create a watertight seal, keeping the water inside the wet room.
Do you find that your car brings in a lot of water / snow into the garage after a day in bad weather? A previous customer was determined to resolve this problem and used a couple of GaraDry® Threshold seals to redirect this water back out of the garage by placing a seal parallel to each side of the car. As the water dripped off it was funnelled back towards the door and out of the garage, helping to prevent a build up in moisture and damp.
GaraDry® thresholds are excellent for:
- Protecting your garage from rain, water, rodents and dust
- Protecting cables for power tools and lighting
- Creating enclosed spaces for car washes
- Sealing wet rooms
- Diverting rainwater and snowmelt out of your garage
Are you feeling inspired? Any other ideas what our threshold seals could be used for? Please let us know at sales@garadry.com