Whilst this might seem like a trivial and frivolous blog post, it is quite important and something you should consider carefully. You will see your garage door every day, and an attractive garage door will add curb appeal to your home and help add value to potential buyers.
To ensure your door makes a positive impact, make sure you maintain color unity with the rest of the home. A break from the exterior color scheme will be distracting and make your house seem out of place.
That does not mean you cannot have contrasts though. When color contrasting your door make sure you keep within the color spectrum of your home so the contrast results in clear, crisp lines that will appear timeless and classic. The garage door should not have the same color as the house trim, this will break the cohesive look of the home.
For those who live in the countryside, a woodgrain effect on the garage door will give your home a rustic charm.
The last, and most important point to remember, is to keep your garage door to one color. The garage is not a place to be making artistic statements. Most garage doors tend to be white, beige, black, grey, blue or red. These are tried and tested and work well. I suggest having a walk around your neighborhood and seeing which colors have been used on your neighbors’ homes.