British-American start-up celebrates coronation of King of England this weekend after scooping a major royal accolade
Atlanta, Georgia-based GaraDry LLC ready for major British celebration after being awarded ‘Kings Award for Enterprise’. 40% of worldwide sales are to USA homeowners. Planned expansion across USA spearheaded from...
What Types of Garage Door Can You Use a Garage Door Weather Seal With?
Should I put a door between my house and garage?
In many homes, a garage will be an entirely separate space from the rest of the house. However, there are a number of benefits that come from installing a connecting...
The best types of floor for a garage
Unlike decorating a hallway or a kitchen, for example, flooring can often be an afterthought when it comes to kitting out a garage - sometimes even forgotten about entirely. However,...
10 things you should never store in your garage
We’re always telling you about the great things you can do with your garage space, like safely storing power tools, preparing it for an electric car, and even turning it...
How to safely store power tools in a residential garage
How to prepare your garage for an electric car
How to prepare your garage for an electric car Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular as the option continues to be more widely accessible. Not only are they great for...
Tips and tricks to keep pests away from your garage
If you’re not careful, the next time you open the door to your garage, you may very well find more than just dripping paint pots and old bicycles in there. ...
Does a garage need to have windows?
The short answer to this question is no, it’s not entirely necessary for a garage to have windows. A garage can be completely windowless and still perform many of its...
How to transform your garage into an extra living space
All too often, garages are resigned to being pretty unpleasant places - damp, cold, full of creepy crawlies and home to piles of neglected storage boxes and rusty old power...
Overhead garage storage: the unsung hero of decluttering
If we were to walk into your garage right now we’d probably see boxes all over the floor, some wall-mounted shelving and a whole lot of clutter, right? Don’t worry,...